Welcome to Your Gateway to Employee


At SEAP, we understand that your employees are the heartbeat of your organization. Their personal and professional development is vital to your company's success. We're thrilled to introduce you to the Shamalie Employee Assistance Program (SEAP) Membership Program, your partner in creating a healthier, more productive, and happier workforce.

What is the SEAP Membership Program?

The SEAP Membership Program is your organization's direct path to providing comprehensive training and development support to your employees. It's more than just a program; it's a commitment to the personal and professional advancement and development of your team.

Our program is built on a foundation of trust and empowerment. We provide a safe space for your employees to address personal challenges, and access a wealth of resources and support to improve their development. SEAP Membership is the ultimate investment in your employees' happiness, and success.

What is the SEAP Membership Program?

The SEAP Membership Program is your organization's direct path to providing comprehensive well-being and development support to your employees. It's more than just a program; it's a commitment to the physical, emotional, and professional well-being of your team.

Our program is built on a foundation of confidentiality, trust, and empowerment. We provide a safe space for your employees to address personal challenges, manage stress, and access a wealth of resources and support to improve their lives. SEAP Membership is the ultimate investment in your employees' health, happiness, and success.

With SEAP Membership, you're not just offering a program; you're offering a promise.

A promise to:

  • Ensure that your employees have a confidential space to discuss personal and professional training concerns.
  • Provide a broad spectrum of training and development, both personal and professional.
  • Empower your employees to excel in their roles through training and development opportunities.
  • Foster a workplace culture that values growth.

Why SEAP MemSbership?

Your Organization Deserves the Best

Imagine a workplace where your employees are not just productive but genuinely happy, where stress is managed, personal issues are coached and addressed with confidence, and professional growth is a constant reality. It's not a fantasy; it's the transformative power of the Shamalie Employee Assistance Program (SEAP) membership.

Your Employees Deserve

the Best

Your employees are your most valuable asset. By choosing SEAP membership, you're showing them that their growth matters to you. You're investing in their professional and personal success.

Comprehensive Support

SEAP Membership offers a wide array of training and development opportunities. From mental health coaching and training to career development, nutrition coaching to stress management, and much more. You're providing them with a comprehensive development solution.

Empowerment through Training and Development

Continuous learning and development are essential for professional growth. SEAP Membership offers customized training programs to empower your employees with the skills they need to excel in their roles and advance their careers.

Build a Thriving Workplace

A trained and skilled workforce is a productive one. SEAP Membership fosters a culture that values well-being, balance, and growth. You're not just improving individual lives; you're creating a workplace that thrives on success.

Ready to Make the Ultimate Choice?

It's time to choose SEAP Membership and transform your organization. Click the button below to get started. We'll be by your side throughout this incredible journey to a happier and more successful workplace.

Join us in the SEAP Membership movement and unlock your team's potential.

Reasons to Choose SEAP Membership

Unlock the Exclusive Benefits of SEAP Membership

Discover a World of Perks, Discounts, and Comprehensive Support

At SEAP, we believe that every aspect of your employees' lives deserves attention. Our Membership Program is not just about addressing challenges; it's about unlocking a world of exclusive benefits. Explore the advantages of SEAP Membership that will transform the way your employees live and work.

The workplace can be a high-stress environment. The pressures of deadlines, projects, and goals can take a toll on your employees' mental and emotional well-being. SEAP Membership provides stress management tools, mindfulness training, and mental health coaching to help them cope effectively.

Balancing work and personal life is increasingly challenging. SEAP Membership offers resources and support for your employees to find that crucial equilibrium. With tools for time management, stress reduction, and work-life balance, they'll regain control of their lives.

Employees often hesitate to discuss personal or professional issues due to fear of judgment or retaliation. SEAP Membership ensures confidentiality. Your employees can open up, knowing their concerns are safe, giving them the support they need to thrive.

Every employee aspires to grow in their career. SEAP Membership offers resources for career development, including training programs, coaching, and career counseling. We'll help them achieve their professional goals.

Your organization thrives when your employees perform at their best. SEAP Membership provides resources and support for performance improvement, including coaching on time management, goal-setting, feedback, and communication.

Workplace conflicts, harassment, discrimination, and stress can affect your team's well-being and productivity. SEAP Membership offers resources and support to address these issues, ensuring a healthier workplace.

Physical health is closely linked to well-being. SEAP Membership includes resources for fitness programs and nutrition advice. We're here to support your employees in achieving and maintaining good health.

SEAP Membership offers a wide range of services and solutions. We address both personal and professional challenges, ensuring your employees have the support they need to thrive.

SEAP Membership

Your Well-being and Success Solution

Stress Management


Workplace stress affects your employees' health and performance


SEAP Membership equips them with stress management tools and mindfulness training to reduce stress and increase focus. They'll regain their composure and efficiency

Work-Life Balance


Juggling work and personal life is a daily struggle


SEAP Membership offers resources and support for work-life balance, including time management tools and stress reduction techniques. Your employees will find that crucial equilibrium.

Confidential Support


Fear of judgment or retaliation hinders your employees from discussing personal or professional issues.


SEAP Membership ensures confidentiality. Your employees can open up without fear, knowing that their concerns are heard and supported.

Mental Health Matters


Mental health issues can go unaddressed, affecting well-being and work.


SEAP Membership provides access to licensed counselors and therapists who can assist with stress, anxiety, depression, and more. Mental health becomes a priority.

Substance Abuse Recovery


Addiction can disrupt lives, both personal and professional.


SEAP Membership offers assistance with addiction and recovery, including access to substance abuse treatment centers. Your employees can start the journey to recovery.

Career Growth


Employees desire career growth and development.


SEAP Membership offers career development resources, including training programs, coaching, and career counseling. Professional growth becomes attainable.

Performance Improvement


Employees need support to enhance their performance.


SEAP Membership provides resources and support for performance improvement, including coaching on time management, goal-setting, feedback, and communication.

Workplace Issues


Workplace conflicts and stress can disrupt well-being and productivity.


SEAP Membership offers resources and support to address workplace issues, ensuring a healthier and more harmonious work environment.

Physical Well-being


Maintaining physical health is vital for overall well-being.


SEAP Membership includes resources for fitness programs, nutrition advice, and smoking cessation programs. Your employees can achieve and maintain good health.

Comprehensive Support


Employees require support for personal and professional challenges.


SEAP Membership offers a wide array of services to address both personal and professional issues. Your employees receive comprehensive support to thrive.

Why This Offer is a Game-Changer

At SEAP, we believe in creating a workplace where your employees are not just productive but genuinely happy. We want to make well-being and success accessible to as many organizations and employees as possible. That's why we're offering you the chance to secure your SEAP Membership at an incredible rate:

Unbeatable Value

For just $12.00 a month, you'll gain access to a world of well-being, personal and professional development, and exclusive perks.

Invest in Your Employees

By joining during this limited offer, you're making a powerful statement. You're investing in the well-being, happiness, and success of your employees.

Savings and Benefits

With this special rate, you're not just saving money; you're gaining access to a comprehensive support system that will change lives.

How SEAP Membership Works

SEAP Membership is designed to be accessible and easy to navigate:



Enroll your organization and employees in the SEAP Membership Program.



Every month, we'll distribute a calendar outlining the upcoming training sessions, coaching sessions, and workshops. Human Resources, managers, supervisors, and employees alike can register for these programs.



Attend the sessions. Employees will be empowered to manage stress, excel in their roles, and find balance in work and life. All of this is done through coaching, training and development.



Enjoy the benefits of exclusive perks, discounts, and a healthier, happier workforce.

The Right Choice for Your Organization

SEAP Membership isn't just an employee assistance program; it's a commitment to the well-being, happiness, and success of your team. Here's why it's the right choice for your organization:

Productivity and Retention

When your employees are well-supported, they're more productive and less likely to leave. SEAP Membership enhances employee satisfaction and retention.

Wellness-Centric Culture

Embracing a culture of well-being creates a more positive, thriving workplace. SEAP Membership contributes to building this culture in your organization.

Attract Top Talent

Offering SEAP Membership makes your organization more appealing to prospective employees. You'll have an edge in attracting top talent.

Peace of Mind

Knowing that your employees have access to comprehensive well-being support brings peace of mind. It's an investment in their lives and your organization's future.

Frequently Asked Questions

with answers for the Shamalie Employee Assistance Progra m (SEAP)Membership Program

How does SEAP Membership benefit my employees?

SEAP Membership provides confidential support, empowering your employees with the tools and resources they need to manage stress, excel in their roles, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

What type of training and development opportunities are included?

SEAP Membership offers customized training programs, coaching, and career counseling to empower your employees with the skills they need to advance their careers.

What is SEAP Membership?

SEAP Membership is an employee assistance program that offers a comprehensive range of training and development courses and resources to support the success of your employees. It includes mental health support, career development, stress management, and more.

How does confidentiality work with SEAP Membership?

We prioritize confidentiality. Your employees can discuss personal and professional concerns with coaches and mentors without fear of judgment or retaliation.

How does SEAP Membership contribute to a thriving workplace?

By fostering a culture that values well-being, balance, and growth, SEAP Membership contributes to creating a workplace where employees are motivated, productive, and satisfied.

Are there exclusive perks for SEAP members?

Yes, SEAP Membership includes exclusive perks and discounts, offering your employees savings on additional courses and trainings that are offered by Shamalie Consulting.

Is SEAP Membership available to organizations of all sizes?

Yes, SEAP Membership is designed to cater to organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to large corporations. We believe that training and development is essential for all.

What is the cost of SEAP Membership?

You can secure SEAP Membership for just $21.00 per month, per employee.

How do we get started with SEAP Membership for our organization?

Getting started is easy. Simply click the Join SEAP Membership button on our website, and we'll guide you through the enrollment process to unlock the benefits of SEAP Membership for your employees.

Contact Us

  • (954) 477 2607
  • info@shamalie.com